Monday, November 10, 2008

Sissy, Some People Nerve Me UP

Is Feeeewwwwh a word? If it is, that's how i feel. The last two weeks have been agonizing for me because of two of my staff members. We have just now, after 10 years of talking, gone to order entry and billing. I have a staff member who depends on one of her coworkers for everything and since she too is freaked out about the billing, the other has had sleepless nights, cold sweats, nausea, and diarrhea. Honestly, I would say she is a little worked up. I have constantly reassured them by going over and over the process. I have made procedural templates, they have my cell number, they have IT's cell numbers. The problem exists because they both keep saying I am not going to get it, I am not good with computers. The problem is their attitude, and I really believe if you think you cannot do something, you will struggle. I have one employee who is 65 annd somewhat resistant to change, and she learned it in two hours.
I remember the first couple weeks when I had to log on to the blackboard, I thought I would never get comfortable, but I did. As I think back, I was never stressed to the point of phenergan and immodium.
Now, I understand what my dad meant, when he said, Sissy some people Just Nerve Me UP! I am signed up for the class, Stress and You and I am needing it about now. lol


Beth's Blog said...

Hey Beth, It might be the billing that is intimidating them. I work in bookkeeping and before I was familiar with how it worked I was really nervous about being responsible for all of the money. Managing money freaks a lot of people out it's sort of like math anxiety. I think you're right, people resist change. Who wants to feel like they don't know what their doing? Hopefully your staff people will get used to the flow and relax a little. Maybe you should take them out for a drink.

Beth said...

Sounds like a plan to me. I will need to find a happy hour, cause there hasn't been very many lately.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiousity I'd like to know, who will you have for Stress And You next semester? I took that course last semester...I will say it was quite interesting to say the least, lol.

Holla back!

Beth said...

I will have Mary Addison-Lamb. Did you have her? What did you think of the class?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I also had Mary Addison-Lamb as my LIS 360 professor. For the most part, I did get a lot out of the class as far as learning the true meaning of stress, how our bodies and minds react to stress, and how stress can negatively affect our lives in the workplace, at home, in friendships, intimate relationships, school, family, etc. Without saying too much, I wasn't very fond of her teaching style. I'll give you a heads-up...check out this website for a review (

Hope this helps! Let me know if there's anything I could do to offer any additional help in the class.

Beth said...

Thanks. I will check it out.

Brittany said...

Hey! I'm also registered for Stress and You. After reading these comments and, I'm feeling a little stressed! I don't think that's a good thing! Let me know if you find out more information!



Anonymous said...

Brittany, it's funny you mentioned how stressed you're getting because the entire class felt the same way once we got settled in. I don't want to spoil it for you, but you will be doing some research and writing quite a lengthy paper (unless the curriculum has changed). Altogether, it was a fun and interesting class, but I want you all to have a realistic idea of what to expect. It's just another heads-up. :)