Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No news may be good news

This is the first night I have been able to get back to the blog. I have been so busy trying to figure what discussion posts I am supposed to be answering, that I haven't had much free time. I think I am on the right track now, at least I hope so.
I don't know about you, but I have been watching a lot of CNN, then after listening I find myself waiting to see what commercials offer the best depression medicine. Stocks are down 5oo points, they go up 140 or so, then down another 400. One analyst says it is by the far the worst situation our generation has seen, and it will affect the consumer, then another says don't touch your 401K, it's not that bad, whatever you do don't touch your money. So what's a person to do that has saved a fair portion over the years, I know diversify, right, or should I just cash it in and go on a vacation? I am getting so tired of the negativity in the news, just once I would like to hear them say, hey oil has dropped down to 20 a barrel, and prices at the pump reflect it, there are no hurricanes in sight,, and Hillary is running as an independent. What a day, glorious day that would be.
But seriously, I have been watching the stocks drop and thinking about checking my balance and I am not sure if it is the stress of all it or just my memory, but I forgot my password, so I am locked out of my account for three days. Maybe that's a blessing.
Maybe the best medicine is to find out what channel SpongeBob is on. Andy might tell me what channel he's on.
For now, I get my kicks out of replaying the clip of Tina Fay on SNL as Sarah Palin. She's a hoot!


Raisa said...

Ha! How funny was Tine Fay?! Very funny! I really loved that bit. As for classes... it really does take a week or two (or three) to get used to the posting dates and setting up a reading/research schedule for yourself. I find that breaking up my readings and assignments and prioritizing works best (at least for me). I also have a separate personal "To Do" list and that I'm waaay behind on. It's tough finding time when there just isn't enough in a day. I say we cut the work week short and add another day to our weekend. I wonder what CNN would have to say about that. News is depressing... There is enough stress in our daily lives than to worry about political schematics. Oil barrel cost is down, but sometimes the media is the reason for its increase. Why place such unnecessary fear and stress to the public which people don't need? Beats me. Let's just hope another 1920s is not around the corner.

The Girl Kind of Shawn said...

I stopped watching the news years ago. Of course, I don't know what people are talking about half the time..."what do you think about that missing girl?" "Huh? What missing girl?" And then I get that astonished "how can you NOT know?" look. But, I do have less stress or at least I have found other things to stress me out that I feel are better deserving of my stress. :P

Andy Egizi, Program Coordinator said...

Yes yes! Spongebob is a cure-all. (I have to admit that, after a week of the comedy channel on XM, the radio is tuned to CNN right now.)

When I was a traditional undergrad, I was a journalism major so I'm trapped in a personal conflict. By nature, I am interested in news but I'm also aware that journalist are soulless automatrons who feed on our fear and anxiety to sell ad space/time. When I get in over my head and realize that I've been listening to them too much, I remind myself that most of what they say is designed to keep me listening. Cold turkey is the best option.